Cordasonora on press
Museus e monumentos de portugal

On DMMB2025 (Dias de Música Medieval de Batalha 2025 / Medieval Music Days of Batalha 2025)

Starting from February 1st to March 15th, every Saturday, the Batalha Monastery will be dedicated to medieval music.

— article released on January 2025

“A partir do próximo dia 1 de fevereiro até ao dia 15 de março, todos os sábados, no Mosteiro da Batalha serão dedicados à música medieval.”


On CMML2024 (Ciclo de Música Medieval de Leiria 2024 / Medieval Music Cycle of Leiria 2024)

Among the results, Anabela Graça highlighted the appeal of Leiria Castle, which recorded nearly four thousand visitors, making it the most visited site in the city: in 2024, there were 124,728 entries to the monument.

“Also notable are the Leiria Medieval Music Cycle [at the Castle] and the concerts of the Diálogos cycle [at the Leiria Museum], with practically sold-out sessions,” she emphasized.

— article released on January 17th, 2025

“Entre os resultados, Anabela Graça destacou a capacidade de atração do Castelo de Leiria, que registou mais cerca de quatro mil visitantes, sendo o mais visitando da cidade: em 2024, houve 124.728 entradas no monumento.

“Destaca-se ainda o Ciclo de Música Medieval de Leiria [no Castelo] e os concertos do ciclo Diálogos [no Museu de Leiria], com sessões praticamente esgotadas”, frisou.”


On CMML2025 (Ciclo de Música Medieval de Leiria 2025 / Medieval Music Cycle of Leiria 2025)

Ciclo de Música Medieval de Leiria [2025] will “transport us” to the times of King Dinis, with concerts, participatory and interactive workshops, and an exhibition at Leiria Castle.

— article released on January 12th, 2025

“Ciclo de Música Medieval de Leiria [2025] Irá “transportar-nos” aos tempos de D. Dinis, com concertos, oficinas participativas e interativas e uma exposição no Castelo de Leiria.”


On DMMB2025 (Dias de Música Medieval de Batalha 2025 / Medieval Music Days of Batalha 2025)

According to Ricardo Alves Pereira, the DMMB (Medieval Music Days of Batalha) aim for “the democratization of knowledge” about medieval music.

“Hence the community project, to foster sharing and unity, so that this music does not belong only to a few, unrecognizable and incomprehensible, because it is not: it is music that speaks about the ‘you’ and the ‘I’, but from many years ago.”

— article released on december 27th, 2024

“Segundo Ricardo Alves Pereira, os DMMB visam “a democratização do conhecimento” sobre a música medieval.

“Daí o projeto comunitário, para haver partilha, união, para que esta música não pertença só a alguns, irreconhecível e incompreensível, porque não é: é música que fala sobre o ‘tu’ e o ‘eu’, mas de há muitos anos”.


On the concert program “A Melodia de D. Dinis” presentation and concert of The Wandering Bard
Os músicos e investigadores Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira e Ricardo Alves Pereira dedicaram vários meses ao estudo do “Pergaminho Sharrer” e partilham ao vivo o resultado, num concerto com o percussionista Paul Johnson e o barítono Jorge Luís Castro. “É um trabalho arqueológico musical muito intenso, o mais científico possível”, explicou à agência Lusa Ricardo Alves Pereira.

— article released on January 6th, 2025

“Musicians and researchers Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira and Ricardo Alves Pereira dedicated several months to studying the “Sharrer Parchment” and are sharing the results live in a concert featuring percussionist Paul Johnson and baritone Jorge Luís Castro. “It’s a very intense musical archaeological work, as scientific as possible,” explained Ricardo Alves Pereira to the Lusa news agency.”


On  “A Melodia de D. Dinis” presentation and concert of The Wandering Bard

The researchers [Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira and Ricardo Alves Pereira] filled in the gaps of the songs found in the document, studying the structure of each song to find parallels and, from there, suggest “notes and rhythms that would have been there or could have been,” as well as “the very way to interpret them.”
It is not the first time that all seven of King Dinis’ songs have been heard in full. However, as Ricardo Alves Pereira pointed out, this will be a new proposal for how this music would sound, based on “a very scientific work” that “has also become a very personal project and will be presented to the public with great care.”

— article released on January 6th, 2025

“Os investigadores [Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira e Ricardo Alves Pereira] preencheram os espaços em branco das canções que constam no documento, estudando a estrutura de cada canção para encontrar paralelismos e, a partir daí, sugerir “notas e ritmos que lá estariam ou poderiam estar”, bem como “a própria maneira de as interpretar”.
Não é a primeira vez que se ouvem integralmente as sete cantigas de D. Dinis. Mas, salientou Ricardo Alves Pereira, será uma nova proposta de como soaria esta música, com base “num trabalho muito científico” que “se tornou também um trabalho muito pessoal e que se vai apresentar ao público com muito carinho”.


On DMMB2025 (Dias de Música Medieval de Batalha 2025 / Medieval Music Days of Batalha 2025)

The Batalha Monastery, in the Leiria district, will be the stage for an innovative cultural initiative in the first quarter of 2025, dedicated to promoting medieval music.

According to Ricardo Alves Pereira, musician and one of the artistic directors of the event, the DMMB will have a community-based focus, with an emphasis on creating a choir open to all interested. “It will be an opportunity for anyone to learn to sing Iberian medieval music,” he explained. The community choir will close the event with a performance at the Batalha Monastery, in a moment that promises to be memorable.

— article released on December 28th, 2024

O Mosteiro da Batalha, no distrito de Leiria, será palco de uma iniciativa cultural inovadora no primeiro trimestre de 2025, dedicada à promoção da música medieval. 

De acordo com Ricardo Alves Pereira, músico e um dos diretores artísticos do evento, os DMMB terão um caráter comunitário, com destaque para a criação de um coro aberto a todos os interessados. “Será uma oportunidade para qualquer pessoa aprender a cantar música medieval ibérica”, explicou. O coro comunitário encerrará o evento com uma atuação no Mosteiro da Batalha, num momento que promete ser marcante.


On CMML2024 (Medieval Music Cycle of Leiria)

“É uma oportunidade única para o público em geral de familiarizar com a alma da música, oferecendo esta visão deste período da nossa história e o quadro em que vivia, das relações. Sem dúvida que queremos, com estes concertos, fazer uma viagem, uma viagem no tempo” 

– Entrevista com Anabela Graça, vereadora da Câmara de Leiria, 23 de março, 2024. 

“It’s a unique opportunity for the general public to familiarize themselves with the soul of music, offering this vision of this period in our history and the framework in which we lived, of relationships. Without a doubt, we want, with these concerts, to take a journey, a time travel”

– From the interview done on March 23 with Anabela Graça, councilor of the Leiria City Council, March 23, 2024.


On Melodias de Convivencia, presentations and concert of TWB in CIBA

Musicians and researchers Esin Yardimli Pereira and Ricardo Alves Pereira, from The Wandering Bard Ensemble, are on Saturday, May 4th, at the Batalha de Aljubarrota Interpretation Center (CIBA) to talk about medieval culture and present music from that time, in a session that includes two lectures and a concert. Musicians and researchers Esin Yardimli Pereira and Ricardo Alves Pereira, from The Wandering Bard Ensemble, are on Saturday, May 4th, at the Batalha de Aljubarrota Interpretation Center (CIBA) to talk about medieval culture and present music from that time, in a session that includes two lectures and a concert. Integrated into CIBA’s “History alive and alive” program, the proposal begins at the end of the morning, with lectures for the general public, in which the aim is to talk about the society, culture and medieval art of the Iberian Peninsula.

— article released on 1st of May 2024

“Os músicos e investigadores Esin Yardimli Pereira e Ricardo Alves Pereira, do The Wandering Bard Ensemble, estão no sábado, dia 4 de maio, no Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota (CIBA) para falar da cultura medieval e apresentar música daquele tempo, numa sessão que inclui duas palestras e um concerto. Os músicos e investigadores Esin Yardimli Pereira e Ricardo Alves Pereira, do The Wandering Bard Ensemble, estão no sábado, dia 4 de maio, no Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota (CIBA) para falar da cultura medieval e apresentar música daquele tempo, numa sessão que inclui duas palestras e um concerto. Integrada no programa “História viva e ao vivo” do CIBA, a proposta começa ao final da manhã, com palestras para o público em geral, em que se pretende falar da sociedade, cultura e arte medieval da Península Ibérica.”

The Journal of Music

On OUD, by Ricardo Alves Pereira

Crafted with passion and inspired by the mystical medieval Iberia, this album is a labor of love. Meticulously detailed, it promises an immersive experience.

Criado com paixão e inspirado na mística Ibéria medieval, este álbum é um trabalho feito com amor. Meticulosamente detalhado, promete uma experiência imersiva.”

– Article released on December 1st, 2023


On OUD, by Ricardo Alves Pereira

“OUD is CordaSonora’s lightest, most peaceful, and hopeful album. It is the perfect introduction to medieval music, presented in a collection of solo oud song arrangements.”

– Article released on December, 2023

“OUD é o mais leve, pacífico e esperançoso álbum da CordaSonora. É a introdução perfeita à música medieval, apresentada numa coleção de arranjos de canções para oud solista.”


On Leyriath, The Tale of Capricornus: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) by The Wandering Bard 

“The duo [Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira and Ricardo Alves Pereira] continues to celebrate grand father of D. Dinis, Alfonso X, the Wise.”

– Paulo Alves Guerra, Império dos Sentidos, Antena 2, October 23rd 2023

“A dupla [Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira e Ricardo Alves Pereira] continua a celebrar o avo de D. Dinis, Alfonso X el sabio.”

Musica antigua .com

On Leyriath, The Tale of Capricornus: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) by The Wandering Bard 

“A journey to the heart of the medieval era and the mystical kingdom of Leyriath”

– Article released on September 6th 2023

“Un viaje al corazón de la era medieval y al reino místico de Leyriath”


On Leyriath, The Tale of Capricornus: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) by The Wandering Bard 

“The devotion to resurrecting the precious Galician-Portuguese heritage carried by these rich melodies, carefully transcribed comparatively from the original manuscripts Códice de los Músicos and Codice Rico, resonates in every note.”

– Article released on September 9th 2023

“Orijinal el yazmaları Códice de los Músicos ve Codice Rico arasından karşılaştırılmalı olarak özenle transkript edilen bu zengin melodilerin taşıdığı değerli Galiçya-Portekiz mirasını diriltme özverisi her notada yankı buluyor.”


On Streams of Tranquility by Ricardo Alves Pereira 

“Ricardo Alves Pereira’s new album explores compositions for classical guitar… Streams of Tranquility is an album that explores silence and beauty.”

– Article released on January 26th 2023

“Novo álbum de Ricardo Alves Pereira explora composições para guitarra clássica… Streams of Tranquility é um disco que pesquisa o silêncio e o belo.”


On My Vielle and the Rest by Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira 

“Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira with the vielle, a bowed instrument that is the predecessor of the violin, which has deserved the best commitment of our guest, an instrument that seeks to combine with the silence that envelops music in a jubilant embrace.”

– Paulo Alves Guerra, Império dos Sentidos, Antena 2, January 9th 2023

“Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira com a vielle, este instrumento que é o antecessor do violino, instrumentos de cordas friccionadas, e que tem merecido o melhor empenho desta nossa convidada, um instrumento que procura cotejar com o silêncio que envolve a música num abraço jubiloso.”


On My Vielle and the Rest by Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira 

“The whole album in itself is a continuous duet between vielle (the instrument) and silence, as its title suggests. Each track shows the result of a thorough research from manuscripts and a translation work that runs through the ancient Occitan language, Latin and other languages in which the songs were originally written, to obtain the essence of music without the use of the human voice.”

“Todo o álbum em si é um contínuo dúo entre a vielle (o instrumento) e o silêncio, como sugere o seu título. Cada faixa mostra o resultado de uma investigação minuciosa a partir de manuscritos e um trabalho de tradução que percorre a língua occitana antiga, o latim e outras línguas nas quais as músicas foram originalmente escritas, para obter a essência da música sem o uso da voz humana.”


On My Vielle and the Rest by Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira 

“Performed on the vielle she named Venus the Vielle, an instrument funded by The Wandering Bard ensemble supporters and made specially for the ensemble by Orlando Trindade, based on the work of Giovanni Ambrogio Predis’ “An Angel in Green with a Vielle”, Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira expresses that this album is made to experience the silence, enjoy the darkness and cherish everything one encounters within.”

— article released on 25th November 2022

“Albümde duyulan viel, (Esin Yardımlı Alves Pereira’nın verdiği ad ile Venus the Vielle), The Wandering Bard müzik topluluğunun destekçileri tarafından finanse edilmiş. Orta Çağ dönemi enstrüman yapımında uzman Orlando Trindade tarafından grup için özel yapılmış, Giovanni Ambrogio Predis’e atfedilen An Angel in Green with a Vielle eserinin ana kaynak olarak kullanıldığı bir çalgı..  Esin Yardımlı Alves Pereira; Venus the Vielle ile kaydettiği albümünü, sessizliği yaşamak, karanlığın tadını çıkarmak ve benliklerde saklanan her türlü hissi sakinlikle yüzeye taşımak için dinleyicilere sunduğunu ifade ediyor.”


On The Foundation by Ricardo Alves Pereira 

“One of the most famous musicians of the classic period and romanticism, Spanish composer and guitarist Fernando Sor (1778-1839), inspires the new solo album by Ricardo Alves Pereira.”

— article released on 12th August 2022

“Um dos músicos mais famosos do período clássico e do romantismo, o compositor e guitarrista espanhol Fernando Sor (1778-1839), inspira o novo disco a solo de Ricardo Alves Pereira.”


On The Foundation by Ricardo Alves Pereira 

“Musician from Leiria records an album with works by Fernando Sor… Ricardo Alves Pereira recovers the Introduction à l’Étude de la Guitare, Op.60.”

— article released on 18th August 2022

“Músico de Leiria grava álbum com obras de Fernando Sor… Ricardo Alves Pereira recupera a colecção Introduction à l’Étude de la Guitare, Op.60.”


On The Foundation by Ricardo Alves Pereira

“The album includes 25 works of progressive difficulty level, containing the foundations of classical guitar technique and musicality. In parallel with this richness already rooted in music, Ricardo Alves Pereira presents each piece with a new title to share an additional message built around the idea that a solid foundation is not only through intellectual tools, but also through human experience.”

“O album inclui 25 obras de nível de dificuldade progressiva, contendo as fundações da técnica e musicalidade da guitarra clássica. Paralelamente a esta riqueza já enraizada na música, Ricardo Alves Pereira apresenta cada peça com um novo título para partilhar uma mensagem adicional construída em torno da ideia de que uma base sólida não passa apenas por ferramentas intelectuais, mas também pela experiência humana.”



The Wandering Bard soundtracks national television documentary “Galegos d’Ouro”

Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP) is the public service broadcasting organisation of Portugal that operates four national television channels and three national radio stations. For their culture channel, in a documentary that focuses on the Galician people living in the World Heritage Douro region of Portugal, The Wandering Bard has been asked to arrange and perform the music that represents the vast landscapes, hard life conditions and unity of Celtic, Galician and Portuguese cultures.

— released on 20th April 2022


On Leyriath, The Song of Lumino: Vihuela Works by L.Narvaez&A.Mudarra by The Wandering Bard:

“On the album, the music intersects with texts inspired by the Manuscripts of Leyriath, another creation of the TWB Ensemble, an imaginary universe that, according to Ricardo Alves Pereira, is inspired by historical and geographical research, ancestral knowledge and existing legends and myths of the region of Leiria and surroundings…

The path of TWB Ensemble (The Wandering Bard) began with the desire to follow in the footsteps of the bards of yore and bring back to the stage the tradition of the medieval troubadour through the narration of stories during the performance, and today the group presents itself as a specialist in Early music and historical interpretation.”

 — Cláudio Garcia, Jornal de Leiria newspaper, on 11th April 2022

“No disco, a música cruza-se com textos inspirados nos Manuscritos de Leyriath, outra criação do TWB Ensemble, um universo imaginário que, segundo Ricardo Alves Pereira, se inspira em investigação histórica e geográfica, no conhecimento ancestral e nas lendas e mitos existentes na região de Leiria e arredores…

O caminho do TWB Ensemble (The Wandering Bard) começou com o desejo de seguir as pegadas dos bardos de outrora e recuperar para o palco a tradição de trovador medieval através da narração de histórias durante o espectáculo e hoje o grupo apresenta-se como especialista em música erudita antiga e interpretação histórica.”


On Rooted (Irish Folk Tunes) by Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira:

“Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira explores the territories of the Celtic musical tradition in “Rooted, Irish Folk Tunes”, released in 2021 in the CordaSonora catalog. Rooted‘s ambition is to contribute to the inexhaustible vigor of the Celtic repertoire, in its many forms and in countless styles. The album contains more than thirty melodies, some traditional and some original, illuminated by this tradition.” 

Inês Almeida, Antena 2 radio, “Raízes” program, Ep. 15, on 21st Jan. 2022

“Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira a desbravar os territórios da tradição musical celta em “Rooted, Irish Folk Tunes”, lançado em 2021 no catálogo CordaSonora. A ambição de Rooted é contribuir para o vigor inesgotável do repertório celta, nas suas muitas formas e nos inúmeros estilos. O álbum contém mais de trinta melodias, umas tradicionais e outras originais, iluminadas por essa tradição.”


On Leyriath, of Music and Legends: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) by The Wandering Bard:

Songs by Alfonso X and mythical stories from Leiria together on an record

“This songbook (Cantigas de Santa Maria) signed by the King of Castile and Leon, Alfonso X, has survived until today, has become famous and gains new life in an album just released by TWB Ensemble, an early music group that brings together the guitarist and researcher from Leiria Ricardo Alves Pereira and the performer and writer Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira.” 

— Manuel Leiria, Região de Leiria newspaper, on 7th August 2021

Cantigas de Alfonso X e histórias míticas de Leiria juntas em disco

“Esse cancioneiro (Cantigas de Santa Maria) assinado pelo rei de Castela e Leão, Alfonso X, sobreviveu até hoje, tornou-se famoso e ganha nova vida num disco acabado de lançar por TWB Ensemble, agrupamento de música antiga que junta o guitarrista e investigador leiriense Ricardo Alves Pereira e a intérprete e escritora Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira.”


On Leyriath, of Music and Legends: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) by The Wandering Bard

“Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira and Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira, former students of the conservatory release a new album with their Ensemble: “Leyriath, of Music and Legends: Cantigas de Santa María Alfonso X El Sabio”.

They dedicate a special thanks to their professors in the classical guitar department, Jose Luis Fernandez and Margarita Escarpa; and Mario Peris from the violin department; and to the music history department that introduced us to medieval Galician culture and the Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X.

In addition, they want to point out that if it had not been for the excellent Erasmus initiatives of the conservatory, so well promoted by José Luis, they would never have met, nor would they have released this album.”

— on 19th July 2021

Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira e Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira, exalumnos del conservatorio lanzan un nuevo disco con su Ensemble: “Leyriath, of Music and Legens: Cantigas de Santa María Alfonso X El Sabio”.

Dedican un agradecimiento especial a sus profesores del departamento de guitarra clásica, Jose Luis Fernandez y Margarita Escarpa; y a Mario Peris del departamento de violín; y al departamento de historia de la música que nos presentó la cultura medieval gallega y las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X.


On Leyriath: The Song of Lumino: Vihuela Works by L.Narvaez&A.Mudarra by The Wandering Bard:

“With TWB Ensemble’s 5th album, “Leyriath, The Song of Lumino: Vihuela Works by L.Narváez and A.Mudarra”, the audience can enjoy gems of Early music written by Claudio Monteverdi, Luis de Narváez and Alonso Mudarra, presented in a way never heard before.”

“Com o 5º álbum de TWB Ensemble, “Leyriath, The Song of Lumino: Vihuela Works by L.Narváez and A.Mudarra”, o público pode apreciar jóias da música antiga escritas por Claudio Monteverdi, Luis de Narváez e Alonso Mudarra, apresentadas de uma forma nunca antes ouvida.”


On Leyriath, of Music and Legends: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) by The Wandering Bard 

“With their fourth and latest album; “Leyriath, of Music and Legends: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X)”, the ensemble had an instrumental approach to the famous Cantigas that are often sung. A lot of young audiences that otherwise would not encounter this almost millenary music are part of the ensemble’s listener profile today, due to the ensemble’s mythological approach to this wonderful and highly regarded music via their historically informed arrangements and authentic approach to the magic of the old eras.

Winning the hearts of thousands through the Pandemic Era with their online stream concerts of Cantigas de Santa Maria during 2020, the ensemble gained the strength to go into the studio with this repertoire; what we believe is that they managed to put their hearts into their work; and it is audible.”

“Com o seu quarto e mais recente álbum; “Leyriath, of Music and Legends: Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X)”, o ensemble abordou de uma maneira instrumental as afamadas Cantigas, que usualmente são apresentadas com canto. Muito do público jovem, que de outra forma não encontraria esta música quase milenar, faz parte do perfil do ouvinte comum do ensemble. Isto deve-se à abordagem de carácter mitológico aplicada a esta música maravilhosa, mantendo a autenticidade cultural no nosso contexto atual, e valorizando os saberes (e de certa maneira a magia) das eras passadas.

Conquistando o coração de milhares de ouvintes nos seus concertos online de Cantigas de Santa Maria durante a Era Pandémica de 2020, o ensemble recebeu a força necessária para entrar em estúdio com esse repertório; e o que nós acreditamos é que eles conseguiram colocar coração e alma nesta obra; sendo perceptível ao ouvir-se a sua música.”



Ricardo Nuno Alves wins the IX Mans Futuro musical award for his album “Ciclos”

The Portuguese guitarist Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira received yesterday the IX Mans Futuro Award for Musical Excellence awarded by the Paideia Foundation together with the Department of Culture, Education and University Planning of the Xunta de Galicia to new professionals. Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira, who began his guitar studies in Leiría (Portugal), has received first prize with the album “Ciclos”, in which he explores various cycles intertwined in his life.

Ricardo Nuno Alves logra el IX premio musical Mans Futuro por su disco “Ciclos”

El guitarrista portugués Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira recibió ayer el IX Premio a la Excelencia Musical Mans Futuro que otorga la Fundación Paideia junto con la Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia a profesionales noveles. Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira, que comenzó sus estudios de guitarra en Leiría (Portugal), ha recibido el primer premio con el disco “Ciclos”, en el que explora varios ciclos entrelazados en su vida.

KEEP AN EYE Foundation


The jury report from Keep an Eye Outstanding Talent Award 2017:

‘Today we should no longer distinguish between different music genres. The Metropole Orkest is a great example of an ensemble that is unique because of its versatility: from classical music to jazz, soul and dance. Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira embodies this ptshilosophy. She has a classical background but has also become an expert in playing jazz violin. She was the perfect bridge builder between the jazz musicians in the orchestra and the more classically trained string players. As concertmaster, she understood the repertoire of Jong Metropole perfectly and communicated well with the strings, so that the section sounded as one. Finally, she turned out to be a fantastic soloist in Snarky Puppy’s Atchafalaya.” 

‘Vandaag de dag zouden we geen onderscheid meer moeten maken tussen verschillende muziekgenres. Het Metropole Orkest is een geweldig voorbeeld van een ensemble dat uniek is vanwege haar veelzijdigheid: van klassieke muziek tot jazz, soul en dance. Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira belichaamt deze filosofie. Ze heeft een klassieke achtergrond maar is ook een expert geworden in het spelen van jazzviool. Ze was de perfecte bruggenbouwer tussen de jazzmusici in het orkest en de meer klassiek geschoolde strijkers. Als concertmeester begreep ze het repertoire van Jong Metropole perfect en communiceerde ze goed met de strijkers, zodat de sectie klonk als één geheel. Tot slot bleek ze een fantastische soliste in het stuk Atchafalaya van Snarky Puppy.’


Guitarist Ricardo Alves Pereira recorded the musical narrative “The Myth of Arion” in Pinhal de Leiria after the forest fires as a way to demonstrate his feelings for the rebirth of this natural heritage.

“I wanted the audience to feel the power of rebirth. This is the center of “The Myth of Arion”; When Arion and Delphin become constellations, they become part of a cycle that seems infinite to us. Practically destroyed by last year’s fires, Pinhal de Leiria is rising from the ashes once again, perhaps even stronger than before. Seeing the regeneration of the forest made me feel how strong nature is; same impression of infinity as the constellations in the myth.”

O guitarrista Ricardo Alves Pereira gravou a narrativa musical “O mito de Arion” no Pinhal de Leiria como forma de demonstrar o seu sentimento pelo renascimento daquele património natural.

“Eu queria que o público sentisse o poder do renascer. Isto é o centro de “O mito de Arion”; Quando Arion e Delphin se transformam em constelações, tornam-se parte de um ciclo que nos parece infinito. O Pinhal de Leiria, praticamente destruído pelos fogos do ano passado, está a renascer das cinzas, talvez ainda mais forte do que antes. Ver a regeneração da floresta fez-me sentir o quão forte é a Natureza, dando-me a mesma impressão de infinito que as constelações no mito me dão.”


After multiple performances given in Pianton Festival in Asturias, Spain;

“These artists are the medieval musicians of the 21st century”
—  Article released on July 28th,  2019

Estos artistas son los músicos medievales del siglo XXI

Symphony Orchestra Voorschoten

Jong talent bij Sinfonietta Voorschoten / Young talent at Sinfonietta Voorschoten

“Sinfonietta Voorschoten has found a young guitarist of international allure who is willing to take on the solo part: his name is Ricardo Alves Pereira. Sinfonietta Voorschoten is proud to be able to work with him.”

Sinfonietta Voorschoten heeft een jonge gitarist van internationale allure bereid gevonden om de solopartij voor zijn rekening te nemen. Sinfonietta Voorschoten is er trots op om met hem samen te mogen werken.

—  Article released on July 2016



The Portuguese guitarist Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira has today received the IX Mans Futuro Award for Musical Excellence, which is awarded by the Paideia Foundation together with the Ministry of Culture, Education and University Planning of the Xunta de Galicia to novice professionals.

Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira, who began his guitar studies in Leiría (Portugal), has received the first prize with the album “Ciclos”, in which he explores various intertwined cycles in his life on a musical level.

El guitarrista portugués Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira ha recibido hoy el IX Premio a la Excelencia Musical Mans Futuro que otorga la Fundación Paideia junto con la Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia a profesionales noveles.

Ricardo Nuno Alves Pereira, que comenzó sus estudios de guitarra en Leiría (Portugal), ha recibido el primer premio con el disco “Ciclos”, en el que a nivel musical explora varios ciclos entrelazados en su vida.

Previous Albums


Contemporary music, early music, world music and classical music works. Click here to see all previous releases.

OUD is the lightest, most peaceful, and most hopeful album to come out of CordaSonora so far. Ricardo Alves Pereira and his almond-shaped instrument invites the audience to be the visitors of a medieval inn, protected from the fierce winter outside, while enjoying a bard in the corner making his music.

The sixth album by the TWB Ensemble (The Wandering Bard) is an exhilarating journey through sound, a musical marvel that breathes new life into the medieval Cantigas de Santa Maria, attributed to Alfonso X, the Wise, a visionary Iberian king of the 13th century embellished by a legend from Leyriath.

In “Streams of Tranquility”, the immersive and modern melodies weave the album’s soundscape into the depths of calmness within the contemporary music scene. Aside from presenting his skills as a classical guitar player, in this album Ricardo Alves Pereira also shares his composer side with the audience; and it is fresh, intimate and inviting.