CordaSonora team is always on the lookout for collaborations.

We are available to perform in festivals and occasions, we enjoy producing music with new collaborators, become part of concert formations, compose and perform for documentaries and just as much, we are also highly interested in producing game and movie soundtracks.

Get in touch with us via

Until then,

Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira & Ricardo Alves Pereira
Recording artist, composer, arranger, sound engineer, video editor, photographer, designer @CordaSonora

For personal queries:

CordaSonora Family

Since the successful GoFundMe campaign for early music instruments the TWB Ensemble held, supporters of CordaSonora projects can become members of the CordaSonora Family, which allow them to gain access to premium content and get to read stories orbiting around music produced, get to see the behind the scenes and development stages of various projects via exclusive vlog content and newsletter.

You can become a CordaSonora Family Member by donating your heart’s desire through PayPal to with the text explanation “CordaSonora Family” followed by your name and your e-mail address or by contacting us via e-mail to discuss alternative ways.

Conversation Starters

Aside from what you see on this website which are things we clearly love nerding about, we very much like conversations that include the following words in them:

(In random order) Cooking, V: The New Mythology Suite, lose leaf herbal teas, Morrowind, Skyrim, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory, LOTR (books, movies and the soundtrack), The Witcher (books and games and 1st season), American Gods, SW IV V VI, DS9, The Mandalorian, Neverending Story, Universal Migrator Pt.: 1&2, Annabel Lee, The Discworld, etymology, psychology, mythology, Blackwater Park, Alpha Noir/Omega White, Mezzanine (the album), Frasier, Star Trek TNG, D&D, 1906.

Previous Albums


Contemporary music, early music, world music and classical music works. Click here to see all previous releases.

In the third volume of “The Songbook of Tchinar” series, Esin Yardimli Alves Pereira invites the audience to scare the death off its bones with a fierce dance tune, and plays through lament and hope in a heartwarming ballad.

OUD is the lightest, most peaceful, and most hopeful album to come out of CordaSonora so far. Ricardo Alves Pereira and his almond-shaped instrument invites the audience to be the visitors of a medieval inn, protected from the fierce winter outside, while enjoying a bard in the corner making his music.

The sixth album by the TWB Ensemble (The Wandering Bard) is an exhilarating journey through sound, a musical marvel that breathes new life into the medieval Cantigas de Santa Maria, attributed to Alfonso X, the Wise, a visionary Iberian king of the 13th century embellished by a legend from Leyriath.


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Behind the Scenes: Part 3

On "Survivor's Dance"

There are some things I want to say about Survivor’s Dance, the track from The Songbook of Tchinar Vol. 3 (that is yet to come if you are reading this before 2nd of April 2024).

Like with any piece from any Songbook of Tchinar, there is a story behind this one. Sometimes they develop symbiotically with the “A Talk with Tchinar” volumes, and sometimes they gain life on their own. ​

I’ll explain the “psychology behind the scenes” after, but first, “the story behind the piece”:

Imagine you are in a dangerous and dark place. Your confidants are separated from you. You don’t have the strength to fight against the nightmares surrounding you, and the only thing you can do is to buy time while hope is leaving you, not being there for your peers is killing you in its own way by bleeding you out with sharp cuts of guilt, not knowing when they will arrive is haunting you and doubt is growing, as usual, in places where it’s less needed.

You are a musician. So you do what you know the best. You start playing…